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About my journey

Born and raised in Switzerland, I have asked myself about the meaning of my existence in this life since early childhood. I realized that I wasn't simply here to function, to survive or to satisfy my senses in the short-term. I questioned life, the insensitive systems and people's unconscious attitudes. Often I saw the suffering in the souls and asked myself why no one lives their authenticity. Later in life it became clear to me that everyone was conditioned and ignore themselves - each person in their own way. I knew I can't be like that. So I always followed my heart no matter of the collective's prejudice.


Following the heart initially led me to a deep life crises and depression for years, starting at a young age. I couldn't see any meaning of life. Intuitively I often retreated into silence, the nature and into myself, during those years. To be alone, to be more present with all that uncomfortable within, to confront the dark within. It was there in the darkest corners of my soul where I consciously woke up from the destructive patterns for the first time. I started detaching myself from the seeker in me and gained more space for my essence from the ego-self in order to develop it.


As a result, I began to live courageously more and more my truth. This was just one of the gifts of my heart that revealed itself to me in the dark. Today I accompany people through the darkest passages of their souls. This is a "path" into your heart. There is no other path. A lot of transformation and wisdom is waiting for us right there. We have just stuck in an old dream and are in searching somewhere on the outside in vain.


My journey into shamanism wasn't a choice, but a deep persistent calling that I couldn't ignore. It was about time to surrender to it. Following that calling tested me in the deepest waters. ​And at its end the spirits waited to reveal me that they had chosen their "medicine man". The spirit world choose their servant and gives the tools and permission to treat on a deeper level and not the other way around. Nowadays this gets often confused while more and more people call themselves "healer" without any permission and no power from the spirit world.


Born into this path, I've surrendered years undergoing my own ancestral healing and following the signs that led me to the Amazon in Peru. There I spend several months in isolation and initiated my practice with the teachings of the spirits that helped me rediscover my innate gifts and purpose and still does. Amidst challenges and transformation, I experienced a profound silence that spoke volumes and a deeper connection to the natural and cosmic world. The permission was to serve the Earth and its inhabitants as a bridge for healing and spiritual guidance.


We serve vulnerable souls and guide those who are seriously looking for true transformation and authenticity.


Currently living with my wife and our two children in Ibiza. Treatments are possible worldwide.



Based in Ibiza, available worldwide. 

© 2024 The Sun Spirit

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